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The Philosopher Peasant

Alia Beydoun
4 min read
Unveiling the Unlikely: Simone de Bouvoir and the Revolutionary Feminist Betrayal You Never Knew
Simone de Beauvoir remains one of the most influential figures in feminist philosophy and literature. Born in Paris in 1908, she was a...

Nathalie Al Haddad
6 min read
Did My Toddlers Secretly Become Little Philosophers?
In the chaotic world of parenting, it’s easy to overlook the profound insights that can arise during everyday interactions with our...

Claude Chammah
14 min read
Silenced Legacies: Reclaiming the Voices of Marginalized Thinkers
Introduction: Philosophizing while Queer and Brown There's a particular feeling of alienation when one is a queer and/or person of color...
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